Candle Making at Saint Nektarios Cathedral is a joyous get together for all who attend. The day starts early and the work is long, but being together making candles that we know are going to be offered unto our Lord and His saints is a special time. Usually, the Candle Making operation takes 2 days for each session. These sessions take place during the cooler part of the year so that the dipped candles can properly cool and be processed. Candle Making sessions at Saint Nektarios Cathedral are community events that are some of the beautiful sign posts of yearly activities that make up the liturgical life of the Parish.

The first Candle Making Event was October 22-23. The pictures below are from day two of the Candle Making, Tuesday October 23.

On Candle Making days our very talented cooks provide a tasty  festive meal, adding to the joy of the day. We invite you to join us for the next Candle Making Event. Announcements will be made 2 weeks in advance.

Church Parking Lot

Hall To Trapeza


First View of Candle Crew

View of Candle Crew

Dipping Machine Room

Wicking Machine Workers

Wicking Machine

Candle Dipping

Candle Dipping

Keeping the Vat Full

Dipped Candles on the Rack

Candles Cut And Removed From Rack

First Step After the Candles Have Been Removed

Cutting And Separating the Candles

Cooling the Separated Candles

Cutting the Candles In Half

Packing Candles

Packing Candles for the Dikiri and Trikiri at Hierarchical Liturgies.

End of The Work Day, The Tank Is Closed
